Message from Nancy
I wish to thank all the wonderful people who have taken their time to express their appreciation for and sadness over the loss of my husband, Bill Haast. Your condolences, fond stories, flowers, cards and loving words of sympathy on his passing have been more comforting than you can possibly imagine. Bill was a man of the people, and it is now for you all that I will dedicate my years to reveal his full legacy.
We all know him as a humanitarian, scientist and pioneer, master of venom production for venom research; it is for those attributes he is held in highest esteem. But he was also an adventurer, poet, inventor, visionary, philosopher, artist, photographer, gunsmith, romantic and more. It will be my pleasure to bring to you these other facets of his life, and I hope to find the time to biographically chronicle the events that occurred from 1964 on.
Bill was the kindest, most loving person I have ever known. I look forward to sharing his legacy with you.
Chris Holl and Bill Haast
I also wish to give special mention to a special friend of Bill’s and mine, who by offering his friendship and kindness before and after Bill died, sacrificed his time and talent to create the original Miami Serpentarium website, and helped me create this Legend page and add the venom list at a time that he was experiencing hardships of his own.
Thank you, Chris, for the love and kindness you have shown to Bill and me, I know he would thank you if he could for all your have done. Best wishes, my friend.
~ Nancy Haast